Fishing in Femlingen & Gryten
Femling is Helgeån's one source lake and has the best water in the Helgeån water system. Good opportunities for swimming are in the northern part of Ferö. The surface is 1374 ha. The depth varies between 1.5 and 3 m, but there is a deep hole where the depth is 8-9 m. The lake is approximately 9 km long and 2½ km wide.
Boat available for rent. There is a boat installation site. The lake is rocky.
Fish species: Pike, perch, whip, roach and bream. Implantation of pike started in 2009.
Suitable fishing methods: Spinning, angling, dart, trolling. Winter time bullion and angel.
Parking: Single cars can park at Uthövdan, the southern part of the lake and at Häradsbäck, the eastern part.
At Fagranäs in the northern part there is a larger parking space, boat extension and barbecue area.
Baths are available at Ferö at Fagranäs. Bath with jetty is located at Näset, Bohult.
Älmhults turistinformation 0476-551 52
Alvesta Turistbyrå 0472-152 55
Handelsboden Häradsbäck 0476-600 17
Tommys Livs, Lönashult 0470-75 71 12
Bengt Holmberg, Femlingehult 073-84 71 167